Saturday, 17 September 2011

COPD Treatment Options Today Give Higher Quality of Life

COPD has no known cure but there are a variety of treatment paths that patients can pursue on the advice of a specialist pulmonologist to enhance the quality of everyday life. The common goal of COPD treatment should be to result in:
  • Delivering relief from symptoms
  • Slowing the progress of the disease
  • Improving tolerance to physical activity
  • Preventing and treating flare-ups
  • Improving overall health and lifestyle changes
Self-Help in COPD:
There are many things that those suffering with COPD can do to continue to live active and satisfying life.

  • Quitting smoking is the most significant change that any COPD patient can decide upon to better his disease condition. Apart from medications, counseling and support groups are also very helpful in quitting smoking. Staying active and moderate exercise is also known to be a mood elevator that helps to keep away depression.
  • Stay in good health and take adequate care to avoid coming down with flu, influenza and other bacterial infections as these conditions worsen COPD. Follow the routine suggested by your doctor with regard to annual shots against these infections.
  • Eat healthy as muscle weakness and weight-loss as a weaker body is less successful in fighting off infections.
  • Avoid triggers like tobacco smoke, chemical fumes and air pollution which can bring on episodes of flare-ups and aggravate symptoms.
  • Learn breathing techniques that will help increase air flow and thereby oxygen levels in blood which help with better lung function.
  • Rest is essential for those severe COPD as even routine daily activities can tire the body easily. Learn to do the same activities expending less energy whenever possible.
  • Educate yourself well about disease treatment, prognosis and options that you may have to ease living with COPD.
  • Join support groups or counseling sessions to interact with people with similar conditions that can help you overcome depression and get compassionate guidance.
Oxygen Treatments:
Reduce the likelihood of right sided heart failure with proper oxygen therapy as suggested by your doctor. Often portable cylinders are used by patients to enhance supply of oxygen to the lungs and therefore, blood.

Your doctor may use a variety of medications like Bronchodilators to help with shortness of breath. Anti-inflammatory medicines such as corticosteroids pills or inhaled medicines could be of great help and relief.

Dealing with COPD flare-ups:
Every now and then symptoms of COPD worsen and may need readjustments to your existing regimen of medication. Your doctor may use anticholinergics or oral corticosteroids and beta-agonists, each of which is used to treat different conditions associated with COPD. Mechanical inhalers, masks and other devices may also be used to administer the chosen medicine. Antibiotics may be used to treat infections like flu which can worsen COPD.

Pulmonary Rehabilitation Programs:
These are rehab programs exclusively made for people with lung problems. Right breathing exercises vital to COPD patients are taught in these programs.

Surgical Intervention:
Where damage to lungs is severe surgery may be the last resort. The damaged tissue of the lung is taken out surgically. Where lungs are at the point of collapsing, in rare cases lung transplant to transport a healthy donor lung is carried out. Lung volume reduction surgery removes damaged part of the lungs and makes room for the healthy part of the lung to function better. Bullectomy is another surgical option.
Surgical intervention in treating COPD is used rather conservatively, only when not much else can be done to bring relief to the patient. Quitting smoking is the best step for prevention of COPD. Using breathing and relaxation techniques to cope with symptoms can give much needed relief from symptoms.

1 comment:

  1. For people suffering from COPD, it is important for them to know that they are not alone. I was also a victim.
    I had experienced shortness of breath, coughing, recurring chest infections and bronchitis. But I didn’t realize that I had COPD until I went to my doctor and was diagnosed with COPD. The first thing I did was get myself informed. Having COPD hasn’t slowed me down. Even though I had COPD I still played golf and involved myself in different excercise though I started smoking at 19 years of age I smoked almost a pack a day. The doctor had told me to quit smoking, it was frightening and frustrating, I thought it was to avoid stress. I learned about Dr. Lance Herbal Medicine from a friend. Now my life has turned around for good because I consider myself most fortunate.
    There are so many people out there who have COPD and don’t realize it.
    If you have COPD, many things are available to help you live a full, comfortable life don’t be ashamed of it.
    I can’t speak for everyone. I can guarantee that this Herbal Medicine will work for you and I suggest you try it. It has done wonders for me. contact him on for more information and advice.
